It is expected to accommodate about 830,000 passengers per day once fully operational.

The NSCR will have 37 stations and 464 train cars. It will run from Clark in Central Luzon to Calamba, Laguna. The 148-kilometer North-South Commuter Railway Project is financed by the Asian Development Bank. The package covers the construction of the commuter railway’s FTI Station in Taguig and tunneling works to connect the project to the Senate Station, which is also in Taguig, of the Metro Manila Subway Project. The deadline for submission of bids was set for July 8. The Transportation department started seeking bidders for the tunneling works contract connecting the North-South Commuter Railway Project to the Metro Manila Subway Project via a station in Taguig City in April. He said the Metro Manila Subway and the North-South Commuter Railway are designed to be “physically interoperable.”

“NSCR trains will start arriving in December 2021, and it will be the NSCR trains that are intended to be initially used in MMSP’s partial operability section,” Transportation Undersecretary Timothy John R. Batan said in a statement to BusinessWorld on July 19. THE TRAIN sets for the North-South Commuter Railway (NSCR), which will also be used for the section of the Metro Manila Subway Project (MMSP) that will be initially operational, will start arriving in the Philippines in December.